Tuesday, February 21, 2012

More than just a scarf.

When I went on a trip to Istanbul and Athens in 2010, my sister let me borrow her American Apparel circle scarf. I fell in love.

I wore that scarf everywhere. It was my companion throughout the whole trip as a scarf, head covering, blanket, pillow, etc. However, after repeated attempts to tell Adri "I don't have your tie-dye scarf!" and "What are you talking about?", my sister made me give it back to her. I've been pining after that stupidly perfect scarf ever since. I like to go into Adri's closet, gaze upon it's beauty, and remember all the good times we had. Like that one time when I ditched the mandatory four hour church service in Istanbul to go get Turkish tea or when I vomited in the hotel lobby in front of my professor (Everyone was like "oh my gosh, you are so hungover", but I swear I ate a bad Gyro. I know my alcohol limits, promise.)

I was thinking about treating myself after finishing my research proposal. I was floating on air after printing out the final draft, telling myself "You are going to spend money you don't have on a scarf you've wanted for two years." Low and behold, it's not available anymore. I'm depressed (warning: first world problem), but there are alternatives, I guess. 

I love this super sheer circle scarf American Apparel has online. I think it will be beneficial to have a dependable, breathable scarf on hand when I'm living in the Middle East. 


Just for shits n' gigs, my friend took a picture of me re-enacting the "Vomiting in The Hotel Lobby in Front of Your Favorite Professor" incident. Here you go, I have no shame.

Fun fact: I forgot to bring my camera on this trip and these are the only pictures I have of myself in front of the Parthenon. Classy. 

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